The Ebb & Flow of Fighting for Your Neighborhood


June 2015 – Update & Encouragement: 

These last few weeks residents of the Columbus Parkway neighborhood and the surrounding streets have found themselves sadly watching as Thornton Hall is reduced to a pile of rubble. The landmarked and iconic building survived far longer than it would have if there had been no fight to keep it standing. Our thanks is extended to those preservation groups and citizens who fought for so long. We are enraged at the destruction of yet another piece of historic property in this neighborhood Sam Hoyt believes to be a “ghetto.” Though the fight is slow, we wanted to encourage our friends and neighbors to continue to stand up and fight the corruption that is at the foundations of the new Peace Bridge construction. We are hopeful for the future, and eager to continue making life difficult for those who would trample the streets we love to acquire higher duty-free profits. Keep checking in for updates. As we receive information and make progress we will make it public.

On a more positive note, one of our long-time supporters was recently honored by a Buffalo Rising article concerning the restoration of he and his wife’s beautiful Victorian home. You have our thanks for all your handwork Peterjoe & Joanne. Keep up the great progress!

Read the full article here:

And in case you’ve forgotten, here is a link to a fantastic piece in the Buffalo Spree from October 2010 detailing many of the beautiful homes in our historic neighborhood. Some ghetto eh Hoyt?

Buffalo Spree: